Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Too Pooped to Post!

Evening Friends!
Bout time I got back on this ole blog I s'pose!
To tell you the truth....I have been too pooped to post!
No Joke!
We had the BEST EVER Spring Open House. Soooooo many beautiful faces stopped by and it was a blast! THANK YOU THANK YOU for making it so much fun!
When I am stuffing ticking bunnies at 2:00am, and then deciding to go outside and plant my herb containers by the light of the moon.....I always remember how worth it it is.
When I am dusting cob webs off the numerous old chairs I just bought or picking up all the hot dogs and buns to serve......I always remember how worth it it is.
When I am making wreaths on the day before, or changing things up to make the perfect display...I WILL ALWAYS REMEMBER HOW WORTH IT IT IS!
This is just a little teaser pic of one of the displays ! I had to throw in a pic cuz I can't stand to do a post without one! I WILL BE POSTING MORE PICS..( I promise Karen S.!!)
I needed a day off so Monday we wound up in Myrtle Beach! I have never been and any day is made extraordinary when I can be at the ocean! It was breezy, 67 degrees, the water was freezing, and I was in heaven! It was a perfect day to go, no crowds and no traffic. That is about to change in just a few short weeks.
This is where I also mailed out the first batch of mail bags! All the mail bags have been shipped , so LOOK OUT!! They should arrive in a few days!
Just an FYI......I HAVE 3 BAGS LEFT!! Let me know if you want um!
We did some major re-stocking today at my Sleepy Poet booth and The Depot will get done tomorrow! Lots of new junk to see!
The BEST part of my week????
I found out that I am going to be an AUNT!!!!
I've been on Cloud Nine since Sunday.
I'm already buying stuff.
So, I am off to catch so serious zzzzzz's!
Pinch me if I snore.


  1. Beth, I would love to have one of the mail bags! Send me a paypa invoice. You can just drop it off at Curious Cat, or, I can pick it up. Let me know.

    Doris in NC

  2. Hey Girl! So glad you got a day off at the beautiful ocean...I was just there last week and it was great! The pic you shared looks amazing as always...I can close my eyes and imagine how wonderful that shop must look! Will see you very soon to pick up my bags!
    & you'll be the best aunt ever!
    Tammy :-)

  3. I can't wait to see more photos! (and also can't wait to get my mail bags!)~ glad you had a nice turnout ; )

  4. OK Auntie...you know I want a bag if you have any left, just let me know. Glad yall were able to get to the beach too....you had a fun-filled day in S.C. Please come back and visit us again!!!
    Will have to hurry back and check out Sleepy poet and Concord!
    See ya soon,

  5. Oh what a tease it is too.


    Look forward to the next pics.

    barbara jean

  6. so glad your open house had a great turn out. It sounds like you have been a very busy woman... planting by the light of the moon and all... time for some much deserved rest so I hope you get lots of ZZZZZ's and Congrats on becoming an Auntie...

  7. Beth~

    Congrats on the future Auntie bit. You're gonna love it!! Lovin the pic as always!! Wish I lived closer. You make me want to use all those chippy whites in my home (And I'm a dark lovin kinda gal.)

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  8. Hi Beth...your booth setup and products look so fresh and Springy.

    I'm amazed at how much you can pack into a day!

    I love Myrtle Beach...was only ther one time for a week but would love to go back...unfortunately we didn't have the place to ourselves...it was the end of July and PACKED WITH PEOPLE.


  9. Beth, Congradulations on becoming an aunt. Check out my post on yesterday and you can get a glimpse at how your world may change. But it is wonderful. Glad you got to get away for a bit. Does a body good, huh? I have been to Myrtle Beach once many years ago and loved it then, So proud you had a good turn out for open house. The pic. of your booth looks great. Can't wait to see more pic Have a great day.

  10. Did you HAVE to do that ? A teaser photo?? LOL Sure wish I could have been there!! It looks wonderful!

  11. I LOVE the ocean! It's a wonderful place to relax and enjoy the greatness of this earth!
    Glad your sales went well...what does the bunny look like?!
    How exciting to be an "Auntie"..

  12. Your hard work shows...the photo is amazing!!
