Monday, May 30, 2011

No Comment


I still can't comment!


I wish I could offer my assistance in getting this fixed...but as we all know my 'puter knowledge is pretty much limited to leaving comments and putting up a post!

With that being said, I am goin' nuts!

Just know that I have been snooping at all your blogs.....

I HAVE tried to leave brilliantly witty comments ...

But blogger says


I am happy to see that I am not alone in my dispair!

SOOOOO...until Blogger gives the ole "go ahead"

I'll continue snooping....

I'll continue drooling....

I'll continue taking pics of the junk I racked up this weekend....

And I PROMISE to catch up on comments as soon as I'm allowed.



  1. I have heard that if you don't check the stay signed in box it automatically lets you comment.
    Hope this helps. It has helped others be able to comment on my blog :)

  2. it's been weeks of this probl-e-mo ...
    what's up with that?
    enjoy this beautiful day

  3. It worked for me by unchecking the stay signed in box. Maybe that will work for you. Will be so glad when things with blogger get back to normal. Hope this helps and you will be talking to us soon. Have a great day.

  4. Hi Beth ,
    It worked for me , too , the unchecking the stay signed in box. Thanks so much Amy and Angela

  5. I turned off the keep me signed in box too and Iam finally able to leave a comment! Janna
