Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hello Friends!
I get alot of emails from fellow bloggers who live too far away to be able to
make it to one of our Sunday at the Marketplace shows.
There are always lots of tears and foot stomping and well frankly....
it ain't pretty!  LOL!
So this morning, after reading such an email from Carol..(yes Carol you know which one) hahaha,
she said ...and I quote ,
"You could at least show us the Junk we Miss!!!"""

Your wish is my command!
Roll um!!

We had stuff fresh out of a barn in Virginia....cobwebs and all.....

just get on in there and RUMMAGE!

rusty pots and old pans....

handmade recycled items like this table out of an old door!

Steampunk Junk and everything you need for any altered art project....

parts and more parts...

Old soda crates....

to chick feeders....

to the chicken herself!

Get a room you two!
Geez! They were like this all day!

This is just the tip of the iceberg!
We have some of the BEST VENDORS around who always bring it!
We only have one more market day left for the season! Oct. 21.

It's always fun to see what junk awaits.
There you go Carol and the rest of the junk fans who can't make it.
We sure would love to see you sometime~ til then enjoy the pics of all the junk you miss!


  1. ok, you're killing me with the vintage kitchen scales!!!!!! Did you have to show that picture

  2. Oh Yum! Lots of loot I am loving~Cheers Kim

  3. It was a beautiful day! We'll miss being there next month but we'll be having fun with the grandkids!

  4. you are such a tease! and i say that with a smile on my face. i'dve bought up some of those mailboxes as i cannot seem to be able to keep them in my space for much time. they are great for vintage weddings.

    thanks for the tour.


  5. Oh Beth I LOVE your US mail boxes....I would BUY all of those if I were close enough....**drat**....!!!!!

    Cheers from Australia,
    Tamarah :o)
