Friday, October 12, 2012

Set to Launch....

Hello Friends!
Today I will proudly launch Olde Tyme Marketplace to the trade.
I . am. so. nervous.
Let me just say that this event  has been overwhelming.
I have had YEARS of showroom experience, I know what it takes.
I wasn't surprised at the sheer amount of work it took.
I wasn't scared of the work or the time it took~ after all it's the passion for what I do that fuels the fire.
This is just another step in my journey to get where I am going.
In my life, I feel like I have been sitting on a branch and when an opportunity presents itself, I scoot down a little farther on the branch. I fully expect it to snap any minute and I fall........
but I don't.
And I know the only thing keeping me up there is faith.
I pray that I don't fall.

I am very proud of how the showroom came together and along with
the butterflies I've got, I AM EXCITED!!!!
Today at 12:00 the doors open to a different world......

I look forward to all the people that I am going to meet...

Plus...being surrounded by so much talent for this next week is
so good for the soul.

My creative juices will be in over drive.

I can't wait to share the stories of the week...

So with that I am OPEN for business!!
I will be keeping my fingers crossed for a good FANTASTIC show.
I owe a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who helped pull this together.
It does take a village and I appreciate you all so much.

My hope is that I am still on the branch at the end of it all~
ready for the next big thing.


  1. I wish you nothing but good sales and good luck. You have everything else going for you. You're an amazing talent with a knack for finding the right thing to sell at the right time. God has blessed you with all the things necessary to be a success and you've used them wisely. I know He'll continue to bless you and your hard work.

  2. Beth--you are an inspiration to every woman who has asked herself . . . what if? Your creative energy is a bright fire--go for it, girl!

  3. How beautiful and Olde Tymie!!!
    It's going to be a huge success how could it not be.
    Good luck and blessings

  4. It looks SO beautiful!
    You are amazing, as always.

  5. It looks AMAZING!!!! I love that brick wall andall yourwhite chippies just pop in front of it.

    Good luck to you and I know you will do great!!!


  6. That is such a cool space, Beth! You did amazing things with it. Wishing you all the best for your big day! xo Jami

  7. I hope you have an awesome show! The showroom looks great!

  8. I am so excited for you! I just know you're going to do great!!

  9. Beautiful post.

    God be with you.

    I was at the last 2 but I am missing this one.


  10. Beth, your booth look FABULOUS!!! You are one creative and talented lady...I enjoy all the beautiful pictures, they inspire me! You are where you need to be so don't worry, you will DO GREAT! Susan

  11. Beth, your booth look FABULOUS!!! You are one creative and talented lady...I enjoy all the beautiful pictures, they inspire me! You are where you need to be so don't worry, you will DO GREAT! Susan
