Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Little Tweaking and Ready for Retail!!

It was a beautiful day here today...sunny high 89 ....NO HUMIDITY.....a good hair day and the PERFECT weather to do some projects!! So, on go the grungy T-shirt and shorts, hair goes up in clip ( good hair day gone to waste), gloves go on then come off because they made my hands get all sweaty, mosquitos start using my legs as a buffet so I go inside to rub a Bounce sheet all over me (another great tip I learned in blogland), head back outside and FINALLY get started.... almost....gotta turn the radio on, then the fan, go back inside and get some ice tea to take back outside with me remember I have to water the petunia basket out by the mailbox and NOW I AM READY TO START....... WHEW.................! Anyway, I have to admit....I love doing total make-overs on stuff BUT it was really nice today because all these items needed was a little TWEAKING for them to be ready to sell AND I got a TON accomplished! (I owe my progress to the success of the BOUNCE sheet...without that I would have dried up no thanks to the mosquitos....ugh!) This old tool tote got a fresh coat of paint and distressing, a wire make-do support handle and some cool old metal numbers!
The big old wire basket is one of my favorites and it probably took me the longest of all the stuff today. First I had an old piece of tin sitting around and I found this old Octagon soap label so I put those two together and slapped it on the front, then I had to re-weave part of the bottom so I grabbed my rusty wire and did a primitive weaving job...good enough now so you can actually use it for something!

Found these old chippy molding pieces the other day and loved the color! Had some old chippy numbers laying around and put them together. They look super great inside this wire chippy basket that has a a fab tag on the front...(go back to the first pic and click on it to make it bigger and you'll see what I mean....waaaaayyyyy cool!)

And OH THE CHIPPY CUPBOARD.......All I had to do to this honey is just clean it out , so I fired up the leaf blower and blew out all the cobwebs and paint flakes and dead bugs( actually ...BUG...there was only one trying to build a nest) and stand back and sigh..........ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Most of the other goodies just needed cleaning or a little help here or there. Everything is ready for a price tag which I need to go and get done. I am going to be taking these all up to my booth at the Poet tomorrow and will try to remember to take some updated booth pics. Til then.................:0)

Friday, May 29, 2009


So we decided to take Karens Explorer when we went junk hunting on Wednesday! I loved it!! I used to have an Explorer and I was always amazed at how much I could cram into made me miss mine like crazy!!! I think what I miss the most is the rattle of all the junk behind me as I would drive along. As you can see...we loaded up!!

TA-DA!!! It was another great day!! The horse is my favorite! I had my eye on him at another antique mall right after Christmas and need-less -say he was out of my price range significantly. Well my friend Wendy met up with us for lunch and she hauled us over to the new antique mall ......all of the sudden she asks me if I had seen the rocking horse....well wouldn't ya know it was the same one I had drooled over at the other place only it was MARKED DOWN like 65% OFF! YIPPEE!!!

My other fav is this old metal drain least I THINK that's what it is. It is grungy and chipped up and totally industrially cool. Would make a great place to store paintbrushes!

The black bench is made from an old bed! All I have to do with this is make a pad...perhaps black and tan check or black toile??? What do you think?? The molding pieces are being worked on as we speak.....I'll show you those later....the rusty basket needs a little help on the bottom.,..I might make something new for that , the old wood hangers are from a dry cleaners , the little black drawer cubby is tin, and the old quilt is made from old feed sacks!

Okay....see the little chippy folding rack to the right of the table?? Any ideas what it is?? The top is shaped like a kidney bean sort of and I thought maybe a basket had fit in there. The description on the price tage said luggage rack BUT I don't buy it....great idea though I just think it's for something else. Okay chicks....that's all for now.... Part 3 is coming soon.....!!!!! Hope your day is great!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


OKAY GIRLS......GET READY FOR WHAT COULD BE A DROOL FEST!!! This has been one of those lucky weeks where there has been PRIMO JUNK at every turn! These first set of pictures are from this past Sunday. Went junkin with my good friend Lisa from HomeThrown Pottery (who by the way had a B-DAY on Tues...yep..29 AGAIN..!!! Lol!!!) We had a blast and came home with some great stuff.The truck was not as heaping as last time but this time we just happened to find smaller stuff....TIP>>>>>> the smaller the stuff...the MORE you can fit.....I know what you are thinking..."she is an absolute genius!" LOL!!!! In the above group pic MY FAV thing has got to be the old, chippy green paint ladder....$ 10.00!! This is honestly because we NEEDED a new ladder for the shop and it looks FAB!
Feedsacks, old chippy hinge (going to be a plate a holder!!) a canvas old bucket that folds up, the OLD antique basket was Part 1 of a "splurge for myself," the old box is red and of my favorite combos espicially for Christmas.......................

The old homespun brown and blue quilt was Part 2 of the "splurge!" LOVE the little old red chair and framed sheet music (that one came from GW).....................

These white bin things came from an old mill! Lisa and I both snagged some of these...the price was right let me tell ya! The rusty display stand will work out great for soap! NOW STAY TUNED for more great pics to see what else I unearthed this week!! My friend Karen is here from Ohio and we scored big yesterday.....more eye candy to follow!!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009



Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Trust me!!!!!!!!!I wish this could happen everytime I take something into the booth! ( If you missed the previous post ...scroll down and read first!!) I had just .......and I mean JUST set these in the booth and was writing out the price tags when a gal came in and snatched them right up. They weren't in the booth 15 minutes! YIPPEE! I thought you would get a kick out that! All your sweet comments must have been floating on a breeze today!! Thanks a million!
SOLD SOLD SOLD!!!!! ;0) I am jumping up and down!!!


Good Morning! This was one of my projects yesterday. I found TWO of these old vintage vanity style end tables the other day and had been debating on painting them or not. I know what you are thinking......."they look hidieous....why would you NOT paint them????" Well this color is great in the right setting espicially if you like to decorate in the cottge style. I held off for a few days to mull it over and finally decided that if I did do a make-over , they would appeal to more buyers with a neutral look sooooooooooooooo..........................
I went ahead and painted them white, distressed and antiqued them, added some old knobs and there ya go. I like them ALOT better. It is hard to tell from the photo but it looks really neat with the turquois paint coming through. I am going to take them up to the SLEEPY POET ANTIQUE MALL today.
On another note, here is something you might enjoy. I had a really nice girl and her husband come to shop on Saturday for the first time. She asked if she could take some pictures for her blog to do a post. Well you have to go see what a great job she did! I was so touched at all her kind words and compliments. If you go to visit her blog look for one of her blog entries for Tues. May 19th called Olde Tyme Marketplace and you will be able to take a peek inside the shop through her eyes! Thanks Dee, you are too kind!
Well I am off to get this day started. I sure hope you all are going to have a nice productive stress free day.

Monday, May 18, 2009


It goes a little something like this............ Mr.OTM (for those of you who don't know what that's for Mr. Olde Tyme Marketplace) came home Friday night and said "hop in the truck and let's go for a ride!"...well okie dokie....let's see where is he gonna take a romantic dinner with wine and candlelight?????....perhaps to a jewerly store and just let me go about to a picnic by the lake and gaze into each others the beach so we can count the stars at night??????...........OR TO THE NEXT ROAD OVER SO WE CAN HUNT FOR ROCKS FOR THE FLOWER BED!! yippee!! So we start this rock hunt come up empty on our first road.We thought that would be a great spot because they are doing alot of building over there. On to the next road......ONE MINUTE in and I yell STOP!!!!!!!!! Laying in the ditch is this FANTASTIC PICKET GATE WITH IRON HARDWARE!!!! Now here is the REALLY COOL PART.......just that VERY morning I was telling Russ that I would like to go to Lowes that weekend and get a piece if fencing or something to help hide the garbage can and the propane tank. They both sit right at the back door and are U.....G.....G.....G.....L.....Y! So fast forward to that VERY EVENING and I find this gate.....FOR FREE!!!! Oh....I almost forgot..there was also a killer rock sitting right next to it so we grabbed that too. That was our only rock find for the whole night BUT I was totally jazzed up about that gate! Life is just full of surprises! Now I know that God has ALOT more important things to do than to worry about how to cover up my hideous propane tank and garbage can BUT this just goes to show you it must have been pretty bad because he answered my prayers. Now, I didn't actually pray about help to cover all that stuff up but the shop is always in my prayers and in this case he figured that needed done ASAP!! (By the way....Mr. OTM created a BIG ole PRIM Star to hang on it!!...promise I will take a pic!) Here's to answered prayers!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

UPDATE ...!!!!!!

Soooooo many of you had responded to my April 13th post...."A Little Piece of Your Heart" in regards to the gal who 's house burnt down on Easter Sunday. The donations have been coming in and I am blown away at the generosity!!! It is a real treat to go to the mailbox everyday! I was going to mail out everything together but instead I arranged for everything to get back to Ohio via my wonderful friend Karen who is coming down here at the end of the month for a visit....(yippee...can't wait!!) . Anyway, for all the gals who responed and still have items to send, they will need to be here by the 27th of May. If you need my address again, just hit the email button and shoot me an email and I will get right back to you. I am going to be taking some pictures of the whole loot before it leaves to go back to Ohio. You won't believe it! You all should be soooooooooo proud of yourselves!! I sure am!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

NOW.....WHERE WAS I.....?????

SARASOTA FLORIDA!!!!! YEP.....Mr. OTM'S (Russ) niece got married down there and we had the time of our lives!!! I sure missed you all while I was gone BUT I am here to tell you that I had been looking forward to this for EVER!! It was WONDERFUL getting together with family and friends and sharing this beautiful place. I took like a gazillion pictures but grabbed these few to share with you all before it's time to get back to work!!!
I know........beyond words......

The sand is whiter than my teeth! AND it is soooooooooooooo flour...until it gets places it really doesn't belong then you are reminded that it IS indeed....sand! PLUS I brought home a bunch of it in the back seat of the car that needs to be sucked out.....I'll just put it in my flower bed!

Is this adorable???? We all recognize the soldier and nurse kissing from LIFE magazine but this is the HUGEST statue! I was lucky enough to get my picture without anyone standing underneath the nurse looking up her dress....believe me ....that is RARE!

I could easily live here........this boulevard of palm trees was just amazing to me....(remember you are reading this from a gal who grew up in the snow belt of Northeast Ohio)......I don't even know how many there were but right at the end was the beach. I mean I could EASILY get used to walking down this brick road to plop myself on the beach all day......oh that would be the life........Anyway , I am back and ready to get back to work. I really honestly took a vacation while I was there....there were thrift stores ....I think I saw at least 5 Goodwills and about 12 different Antique shops there BUT.....I didn't go in ANY! ( I heard at least 5 people hit the floor on that one because they just fainted) REALLY........I just wanted to relax and take in the fun, sun, family, friends, the Gulf of Mexico, the food, the sites. I found out something about myself on this trip...........I make a darn good tourist! Hope you are all well and happy..... I am glad to be home!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A FANTASTIC FIND!!..and cute too!!!

Well this is what happens when I have to go and restock my booth at the Sleepy Poet!!! I need to just get in there and get out and quit looking around every time...BUT if I were to have done that today I WOULD HAVE MISSED this adorable little white chippy rusty painted vintage metal and glass flower cart! As soon as I saw it I thought it would be perfect to hold my business cards! (The business card in the photo is another blog entry all it's own.....made a gazillion of um and yep ALL of THEM have the WRONG phone number and zip now they are scrap paper....someone in upper management .....(me)....really screwed up!...wish I could have blamed that one on somebody!)Anyway.... It stands 4 inches high and is 10 inches wide and my business cards a bit bigger than the norm and I think they look great. A perfect fit. Seriously though, the last time I looked around I bought a wheelbarrow and the time before that were wire hanging flower baskets and the time before that were some great metal bird candle sconces can you see a pattern developing???? I think I need a support group...............anyone care to join me??? After we meet then we could go shopping......LOL!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Walk with Me thru Charleston SC...Part 1

I adore only took me about 30 seconds once I got into town to realize I would never be the same......upon leaving, I would always be planning my next visit. Lucky for us it is only a 3 hour trip away so Russ and I decided to spend Easter Sunday there and I thought you might like to take a "walk with me around town" and let me share with you some of the things I love about Charleston.......................The Pier is wonderful and HUGE!! The best part is ..... this is where I would ALWAYS see dolphins. If one of the swings is available, take a load off and r-e-l-a-x! is EVERYWHERE in Charleston

COBBLESTONE STREETS.................

CEMETARIES.....holy cow are they OLD and very interesting. The carving on the stones are amazing. My favorites are in the Circular Church graveyard. SOme date back as far as late 1700's....maybe even longer...................

Charleston is definitly a DOG lovin evidenced here. This is a concrete bunny statue that was sitting at the end of someones sidewalk in their yard. Is that the cutest thing????
Continue on to part 2 and 3............................ Make sure you keep scrolling!!! I did this all in three separate posts today so it's all here together....ENJOY!!

Walk with Me thru Charleston SC Part 2!

The beautiful new bridge.....I was there when it ws completed and they celebrated with the best fireworks display I have ever seen!

The heavenly scent of sweet Jasmine is all over the town.............

Flower boxes like these are on most of the homes....each one more beautiful than the full and bright and gorgeous!!!

Rainbow Row...........the soft pastel shades of these homes are so pretty all lined up! They are photographed constantly....a true tourist spot.......

THE HOMES........MANSIONS!!!! Unbelieveable the size of some of these!! A MUST in Charleston is to take a horse and carridge ride. It doesn't cost an arm and a leg either....they take you thru all of the town and share history and folk lore!
Now on to part 3.........................remember to keep don't want to miss anything!!

Walk with Me thru Charleston SC Part 3! the moss hanging in the trees the beautiful churches..............

the secret gardens that you need to peek thru iron gates to see........................

FOLLY BEACH is so close!!

Puttin my piggies in the Ocean!!!

Hope you enjoyed our little stroll...if you've never been've GOT to put it on your Bucket List.!!