That's what the guy said when I asked him what it was and how much was it. I instantly fell in love with the rusty, crusty texture and the shape. Can you guess what it is??? Think ~ Think~ Think.....
AN OLD SWIVEL STOOL BASE! I know...go figure...way cool! My first thought was that it would make a great cloche. Couldn't wait to get it up to the booth at The Depot and see how it would look. I was giddy happy with the outcome. (It doesn't take much). I love how it looks with the herbs but possibitlites are "thru da roof" on what you can put underneath it!
The same guy also had this little old fry basket ( at this point I think he is starting to feel sorry for be because all his other stuff was big ticket crystal chandeliers and I couldn't even afford a single drop crystal ...PRICEY but beautiful!) anyway I flipped my lid ' on this cuz I thought it would make a fab napkin holder.The handle moves, so it will keep the napkins nice and snug in there. So I bought his two trashiest pieces and LOVE them both!

Some of you aren't going to like this last picture.....ESPICIALLY all my friends toughing out the Noreaster going on up north....OR maybe JUST MAYBE this is the little "sign of hope" to help get you thru. I'd like to introduce you the first Daffodil of the season. She arrived yesterday out by my birdfeeder and was out in all her glory this morning soakin up the sun.
Some of you aren't going to like this last picture.....ESPICIALLY all my friends toughing out the Noreaster going on up north....OR maybe JUST MAYBE this is the little "sign of hope" to help get you thru. I'd like to introduce you the first Daffodil of the season. She arrived yesterday out by my birdfeeder and was out in all her glory this morning soakin up the sun.