Okay now IS THIS NOT PATHETIC??? This is what I turned around and saw laying on the dining room floor while I was trying to get dinner ready! This is Kitty....(I know pretty original huh?) He could literally eat all day long, and won't leave me alone until he gets some food in his bowl! He is particurally relentless when I am in the kitchen where his food is stored and I have to constatntly keep shoo-ing him off. Well on this particular day after a long day at the shop I just wanted to put together something quick for dinner and be done with the day. He would NOT leave me alone and I shushed him out of the kitchen only to turn around and see him playing dead in the dining room...totally wasted away to nothing...!!!! I mean he even waited while I went to go get the camera to take the picture!!! I mean really.....he is such a phony but I love him like crazy! He has been with me for about 14 years after I took him in when someone had shot him with an arrow in his tummy. As you can see the tummy is doing just fine!! Just so you know, no kitty was harmed during the photo shoot....as soon as we were done, he got some din din! Spoiled little cat!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Okay now IS THIS NOT PATHETIC??? This is what I turned around and saw laying on the dining room floor while I was trying to get dinner ready! This is Kitty....(I know pretty original huh?) He could literally eat all day long, and won't leave me alone until he gets some food in his bowl! He is particurally relentless when I am in the kitchen where his food is stored and I have to constatntly keep shoo-ing him off. Well on this particular day after a long day at the shop I just wanted to put together something quick for dinner and be done with the day. He would NOT leave me alone and I shushed him out of the kitchen only to turn around and see him playing dead in the dining room...totally wasted away to nothing...!!!! I mean he even waited while I went to go get the camera to take the picture!!! I mean really.....he is such a phony but I love him like crazy! He has been with me for about 14 years after I took him in when someone had shot him with an arrow in his tummy. As you can see the tummy is doing just fine!! Just so you know, no kitty was harmed during the photo shoot....as soon as we were done, he got some din din! Spoiled little cat!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Just wanted to THANK ALL OF YOU who were able to make it out to the Olde Tyme Harvest Gathering! I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you walk through my door. Many of you should have had fun this weekend decorating for fall once you got home!!!! I really appreciate all your support. Just reminder.....Marshville is having the Annual Boll Weevil Festival this Saturday Sept.20th from 9 am to 10 pm. In case you missed the Harvest Gathering , we will be restocked and ready for the Festival! Come see us!!
Monday, September 8, 2008

SEPT. 12TH & 13TH 10-5
The shop will be all set to welcome in
the fall season with LOTS of rustic and
primitive goods for your home & garden!
We will have yummy treats, prizes, FUN!
Bring a friend and enjoy a day in the country!
121 N. White Street
Marshville, NC 28103
Located one turn off Hwy. 74 behind BB&T bank
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
I thought you might get a kick out of this story, here goes..................................
When I go to Holmes County, the restaurant I go to is in a little, tiny, teensy, bitty town called Charm. I luv luv luv going there because I luv the drive even more. It's just heaven to me driving those country backroads, getting behind a buggy, looking at all the beautiful flower beds the Amish ladies slave over. So once I get to the restaurant, Grandma's Homestead, I park in the last row behind all the buggies and it overlooks this adorable covered bridge. I am still on cloud nine at this point because I am about to go inside and order Pan Fried Chicken, sweet potatoes with maple syrup, homemade bread with homemade strawberry jam , and warm tapioca pudding for dessert with homemade whipped cream! As always , I eat every item put in front of me there and roll out to the truck. Now.....to get the full effect of the story you must go to my first post and see how full the truck is loaded down! Okay....so hearts are still popping all around me because I am so in love with this beautiful place and I take a few photos and get ready to start the truck.............nothing.....try again....nothing......ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Now what the heck am I gonna do, I am going to be stuck here, looking like Jed Clampett, with no one to help me....EXCEPT a poor guy weed wacking across the street. So off I go, a damsel in distress , to ask for some help. He was so nice...shut off the weed wacker and came over to the truck. He tells me to try to start it again and again nothing. So he takes a look around and then says, " I don't really know much about fixin cars mame, but try putting it in park and she what she does!!" Good Lord I didn't have the truck in park!! Sure enough she started right up! Can you believe it????? The whole truck,load and all could have easily rolled down the hill and smacked right into my adorable covered bridge!!! How on earth could I have ever lived that one down???? I was so excited to get there I just guess I forgot to put it in park! Lesson learned for sure! Til the next story ...and I'm sure there's gonna be one............................!