I cannot believe that it is already 2010. I was always told that time flies the older you get and that my friends is no lie! WHEW! Where on earth does it go? Hopefully alot of it is spent with your loved ones: vacations, bedtime stories, walks in the park, snuggled on the couch, exploring nature, going to soccer games, baseball games, gramma and grandpa's house, game night, date nights...... Hopefully some more of it is spent with your friends, out to dinner, SHOPPING FOR JUNK, chatting on the phone, grabbing lunch, having coffee, being a shoulder to cry on, lending an ear.
Lord knows the rest of the time we are either driving , dropping off, doctors appts, taking the dog to the groomers, picking up, post office, bank, groceries, laundry, getting the oil changed, getting gas, library, car wash, dry cleaners, our job, driving some more....laundry again, fixing dinner, packing lunches, dusting (does anybody really dust on a regular basis or just when company is coming???),emptying the dishwasher,changing the bedding, meetings, clubs,school, exercise, sports UGH!!!!! I think we just figured out where all the time goes. My wish for all of you in 2010 is to be HAPPY and have the time to do more of the things you LOVE.