Hello Friends.
When two gals hop in the car at 5 am for a 5 hour drive just to get to your shop~
you know you may be onto something.
There was no other reason for the trip.....
they just wanted to come to the shop.
I was blown away.
And so happy.
who hops in the car to make the shop a destination
whether it's only 5 minutes or 5 hours.....
It continues to make me so grateful and amazed.....
and proud....
I appreciate all the goodness that you bring to me each time to grace my door step....
I am grateful for the joy that MY shop brings YOU....
YOU are the inspiration for the merchandise I buy......
YOU are the motivation behind the displays I create....
YOU are the reason that most of my clothes have stains and a manicure is a total waste of money....
YOU are the reason that most of my clothes have stains and a manicure is a total waste of money....
YOU are the reason that I can get up in the morning to go to a job I love.....
For all those things I am beyond grateful.
THANK YOU for that.